Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dream Log 1/31/2009

The dream begins with a kindergarten teacher explaining an art project: decorate a sheet of paper that’s going to be a candy wrapper: the kind with a round hard candy in the middle that’s twisted on either side and looks like a bow-tie.

When I get to my school amalgam* (a cross between my junior high and my high school), a small line of students are at the front desk, announcing dangerous landmarks to add to this computerized map displayed on drop-down screens encircling the front office area. A girl, no idea who is she or why she’s even talking to me, starts talking about riding in a hot air balloon with her friends, without an operator. This is clearly meant to be some sort of metaphor for high school kids joy-riding or something. I decide to report this illegal hot air balloon launch site. There are three receptionists in this school front desk that looks more like a mall information desk. Anyway, I misinterpret the flow dynamics and as two of the receptionists go on break, I’m forced to get behind a group of students. Now, had this dream gone longer, this group would have become important secondary characters, because they were sent over by Affirmative Action Casting Co., and the leader of this group was a slightly overweight African-American male with a take-charge attitude and a strong sense of right and wrong.

So, I report the balloon site to the remaining receptionist. He’s a tall, lean Caucasian man who had this dream gone longer, would have become a tertiary part. He may have been gay, but maybe not. It really doesn’t matter since he’s a background character.

Anyone, the sweet kindergarten teacher arrives at a school that’s meant to be either a junior high or a high school, ready to give her students the candy wrapper art project. She’s carrying the little plastic bins with her students’ names on them. Some of the students haven’t finished. Oh, I guess at this point I’m late for class. And so is she. Maybe it’s yesterday’s project. Er, dream logic.

So, we head over. The classroom is devoid of students when we arrive. I’m slightly suspicious; she acts like nothing’s wrong as she begins to admire the large candy wrappers that have already been designed. She talks at length about this one candy wrapper that looks like a famous candy wrapper with stripes of color, only giving a new color scheme from the original. Again, I’m probably about 17 in this dream, and my classmates around 11, and the teacher definitely a kindergarten teacher. Er, dream logic.

So a giant monster attacks. Or something. This part of the dream is blurry. But whatever happened in this forgotten portion of the dream must have been fantastic, because this is the next thing I remember:

Superman has successfully wrapped two enemies (monsters?) in the giant candy wrapper, aided by two bulls. Okay, I probably became Superman, which does happen a lot in my dreams (both seamlessly becoming a new character and becoming Superman in particular). I may have been aided by Supergirl. And the teacher disappeared. Maybe she became Supergirl. I don’t think so though. Then there’s the two talking bulls. They’re green or something. (Paul Bunyan’s bull’s cousins, I guess.) And whenever Superman/me wraps up the enemies in the giant candy wrapper, which is now about ten feet long, the bulls are able to headbutt it and have the enemies come falling out the end, piñata-style. They then jump onto the candy and bounce away. It’s like in kids’ shows when the kids jump on a book or something and bouncing, trampoline-like, into Magical Wonderland. Except in this case, the bulls bounce across town to the fairground. Superman/me goes there too and unbeknownst to any of us, we’re about to be joined on our next adventure by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, who are talking on walkie-talkies with Splinter, who is at the Turtle Home Base meditating.

The dream doesn’t go any further than that. But this is actually the type of dream I’ve been wanting for a while. The kind that makes me want to partake in illicit hallucinogenic drugs.

*This is the school amalgam from a previous dream. While I didn’t explore it like in my other dream, this is a labyrinthine school involving four or five stories connected by wide, open-air staircases. The bottom floor is underground, with rows of classrooms. It is quite easy and quite fun to get lost in a place like this.

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