Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dream Log 2/6/2009

It was such a mundane dream I’m pretty embarrassed that I even bothered to post it.

The setting of the dream was my parents’ house, even though it looked like my apartment.

I find my brother working on the computer. He’s trying to create new partitions on our computer’s disk drive. This is odd for several reasons.

1) My brother would not know a disk drive partition if it hit him on the head. Granted, because it’s a purely virtual entity, composed of electrons, he probably wouldn’t feel it.
2) After waking up, it took me, someone with an IT background, to recall what was going on in real life.

Anyway, I start to help him, including transferring the files on a partition I accidentally made when I was younger trying to save a file. This is also preposterous, because it’s exceedingly difficult to make a partition without trying. Anyway, I moved a couple of files, including one for my mom (who showed up at some point). There were a couple of files from when I was fifteen having to do with the “Diamond Bonders,” which was a fan fiction idea I was throwing around in high school, and a couple of files that exposed my crush on a girl named Anna.

There was a brief conversation with my mom about where to store the files.

This kind of stuff happens in my life all the time: helping my brother with the computer, discussing computer issues with my mom, etc. So, in other words, the first time I get to bed on time in weeks and I dream about real life. What a crock. Having strange and/or unusual dreams is the reason I don’t take hallucinogenic drugs.

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