Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dream Log 6/14/2009

Two-for-one deal today.

My first dream involved attending some sort of educational seminar with a friend of mine from work named Chad and his wife Candy. It was held as some really large complex, kind of like a movie theater mixed with a hotel conference center. Anyway, they dropped me off at the side door to go park while I got in. I soon realized that I'd completely left my phone and most of my stuff, including my cell phone and my seminar schedule which I'd diligently worked on in their car. Once I got there, I couldn't find any schedules, so I started randomly going to seminars. A lot were on really science-y topics, like astronomy, etc. Anyway, the day went by as I stumbled from room to room. At the end of the day, I found Chad and Candy waiting for me at the front entrance, where they suitably complained about not being able to reach me. We then made our way to this pizza parlor/Shakespearean theater in town. Inside the dream, this did not seem like an odd combo.

Hmm, the dream seemed so much more exciting inside of it.

The second dream, which I had after going back to sleep after my cat woke me up at 5:00 to be fed (he has hyperthyroidism, so he eat a lot, but lately he hasn't been, but now he is again). This dream took place inside the Heroes universe. I was a mimic, like Peter, meaning I had a host of abilities that I'd absorbed. My friend Phillip was an electrokinetic, meaning he could produce electricity. Anyway, us and two other random people are in this junker sedan because we need to go meet a couple and bring them to a pizza parlor/Shakespearean theater (this is the only connection between the two dreams). Unfortunately, it appears we'll have to kidnap them for such a mundane task that even in the dream is a mundane task. Phillip uses his ability to jump start our car (we didn't have keys?) and I stop him from using his ability to knock them out. I tell him I've absorped an ability to render them safely unconscious, which unfortunately makes them all unconsciuos, so instead we just convince them to come, which is remarkably easy despite the fact we came to kidnap them by means of rendering them unconscious. Since it's an overful car, we've got people lying on top of each other.

We finally arrive at the pizza parlor/Shakespearean theater, where for reasons I can't recall, I have to use a body control ability to make the owner tell a customer about the restaurant and what play is showing. Despite the fact I can't remember all the details, I am able to wing it quite successfully, but later when I check the poster, I've lied and said As You Like It is playing two nights, not three. And then my dad shows up and suggests I ask for come cereal, even though I'm craving Italian food. I check out the salad bar. And that's where the dream ends.

Oh, and at one point during one of these dreams, my Dad suggests I wait a year before getting a navigation system for my car. (In real life, I'm shopping for a nav.) I tell him that he'll have to come and pick me up from "Kentucky... City, Missouri" when I get lost.

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