Monday, March 17, 2008

Dream Log 03/17/2008

Dream Log 3/17/2008

It starts with two people trying to find each other via a contest. It’s really ingenious way of getting two people paired up but alas I don’t remember the details, which is sad because I want to say they might have made sense in the real world.

It finally ends with the couple (originally the girl was supposed to be a porn star, but it ends with the couple being Kyle Trager and Amanda Bloom from the ABC Family show Kyle XY) meeting at an old Volkswagen van with a boat hitched to it. Inside the van, they get their portrait made by the winning artists (it was a part of the contest I don’t remember). Within the diagesis of the dream, the artist is a known character who works with yarn. In the end, his portrait is the punchline to the joke of the dream. Because he works with yarn the portraits are stick figures. The woman on a horse with flaming wings with the man doing something (I don’t remember). It’s all very funny for those of us expecting a photorealistic portrait. You had to be there. Inside my head.

In the end, with family and friends gathered outside the van. They were waiting; it makes me think the end result was a wedding. The long boat has been converted to a buffet.

My dad is talking to me about how if cakes were used for the contest, if we didn’t stay straight the chocolate and vanilla halves of the cake would eventually ruin the contest, because the split of the cake would eventually be all chocolate or all vanilla, and we need one of each for the bride and for the groom. Trust me, it doesn't make a lot of sense in the left brain.

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