Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dream Log 06/08/2008

(Visiting my parents’ lake house always gives me exciting dreams)

The first part I remember is that I’m with Ashley (for the first time, 100% platonic in a dream). We’re at college and there’s this building which has been damaged. There’s a lot of foreboding.

Other stuff happens. I can’t recall.

Then, a very scary scene where the building work site starts to fall.

It begins with an H-beam falling and crushing this guy who was sitting on another H-beam. Then the entire building starts collapsing. There’s a crane with several metal rods above us, so we flee. It’s a long scene, done well with lots of special effects.

I race around the campus. It doesn’t look anything like my real college campus.

All around campus, university employees are dealing with the accident.

In one room, they’re working on a press release. On TV, there’s the daily news, and it seems weird to me that the collapse isn’t on TV, even though it’s one of many stories. It just seems callous because I was there.

Then I got to a desk where Shosh is working. I want to borrow her phone, but she picks it up. Seeing me, she hangs up, but I let her call. She seems thankful, so it must have been important.

Then, I go see Ashley. She’s working in some kind of center.

It later transfers. It’s showing a video about this leprosy sanctuary where loved ones can house their family members in these coffin-like boxes cemented just below the ground. They’re nasty and on this island in the ocean where the waves wash over and clean off the dead skin or something. There’s a small hole for them to look out of and one hand sticks out outside the lid. When they finally pass, they can be thrown away. By the time they’re dead, they’re practically skeletal.

There’s this thing you can do to help. Somehow I’m there or something. When the waves crash in, you and a partner get a bucket of water. Everyone at Ashley work does this. And I do it with a male friend of my who works the same job as Ashley freelance. Also, Hillary Clinton and some fifty-something actress do it; Hillary’s doing it because the actress challenged her to and Hillary accepted. Apparently it’s a liberal thing to do because John McCain and the governor (a Republican) have teamed up and are trying to stop it. The governor (or the mayor) uses the key to the city to try to unlock the door.

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