Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dream Log 3/27/2008

The first thing I remember is being at a meeting in an auditorium. It’s sort of like at a Boy Scout Meeting or a fraternity Chapter meeting.

It takes place partly in the Superman universe, probably Smallville, as Jimmy Olsen in there.

After a presentation (this is so far back I can’t remember the details), I (or Clark) figures out a mystery. Jimmy Olsen mentioned something about liking red earlier, so he’s the one responsible for a clone army wearing red. He gives his I had noble intentions speech about trying to help the world. Something about helping old grandmas or something.

I race to the home of some family friends. But they aren’t there, so I start running back, only to run into them in the driveway. I’m caught and they send me on my way.

I arrive back at the church and my parents and brother are there, waiting for me in our Tahoe.

Somewhere in the transition between two scenes, a man talks to a woman. It’s Jon Arbuckle from the Garfield comics, and he’s doing well until he mentions he came from a sand-sorting meeting. In the back ground, a room full of sand is still out of a hallway, hard as a brick, and arranged by grain size. Garfield laments Jon’s failure.

There’s a brief diversion into a Cars-like world. One car strolls through a neighborhood. At one point, it moves back to allow a futuristic car go by. It transforms into a sleeker structure, Transformer­-style. It finally runs into the Amy car.

The Cars idea is dropped as we move into a fortuitous coincidence world. There’s a hapless boy (a possible me) who’s in the car with Amy (the Amy car reverted to Amy’s car). I am a clueless individual who’s carrying around a book where I’ve written down my thoughts in a lyrical manner. (I’m clueless of the fact, but it’s in essence a book of poetry.) I ask if I can read it to her. (As the dreamer, I’m aware of the fact that there’s a situation where I’m trying to read her poetry).

Anyway, we’re driving down a road where I’m in the backseat. I mention the color scheme of the world: purples and hot pinks. Both the dreamer and the poet are aware of the girliness, and the poet cluelessly waxes poetical. He finally goes to sleep on a pom-pom.

We arrive at some kind of convention. There’s a gay bellboy who interacts with Amy. For some reason, it was humorous in the dream. The poet, who’s now Harry Potter, because of his wizardy roots offers his hand in a girly way, which causes the bellboy to think he’s a potential love interest. He says something about his wand. This somehow offers the set-up for the wand-and-balls joke. Then he ends up lying horizontal in the backseat. In this world, there are automatic gates between cars (like in parking decks), and since he’s so tall (more evidence it’s not me, since I’m not), he’s trapped because he’s like sticking out both sides of the car. The gates are called “London Bridge” and “Eiffel.” Even in the dream, I realize the silliness of the gate being called Eiffel since the Eiffel down doesn’t fall down but the London Bridge does (or because bridges can be rising or falling).

There’s talk of going home or staying and it’s about to lead to more jokes.

In the dream, the situations and wordplay were quite humorous, in ways I can’t capture because I’ve forgotten he details or more likely just don’t make sense outside this world.

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