Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dream Log 06/17/2008

It began like the Halloween 2007 Episode of CSI: NY that I watched last night: a blunt-force trauma guy wandering around a crowded street with a bunch of guys in zombie costumes. How this relates to the rest of the dream I don’t recall.

I forget what happens in between.

Then there’s the part where I’m at Ashley’s house. Again, decidedly unromantic. We’re racing around to house to make Cheryl and her new boyfriend comfortable. I don’t know if one of them is sick or something. It involves a lot of running around the kitchen and creative uses for the utensils we find there. At one point, I come to the realization that the fact I’m step-siblings with Ashley gets me over my crush. I don’t know how that works (now or in the dream). Cheryl’s boyfriend is not Dad, but apparently it’s some guy with some sort of familial or symbolically familial relationship with me, though the latter wouldn’t lend much credence to seeing Ashley as my step-sister. There’s some laying on the bed that I can’t remember much about.

There’s a strange transition because all of a sudden it’s me who’s close to death or something. Strangely, I don’t recall any feelings of fear or accepting the afterlife. It’s more about this little community finding me to be some kind of inspiration. I’m either physically incapable or superhumanly capable.

The part I most clearly remember is this: I’m giving free range of this church in the middle of a sermon. The pastor is a very stuffy, dogmatic guy who looks like Rev. Graham. I start bouncing below this large balcony that the pastor is preaching from. I keep grabbing onto the railing, causing the ends of the balcony to collapse. One side I destroy, then I go for the other. Everything has super significance. When I tear down everything on the left side of the balcony I just leap up and use my head to break a hole in the floor. The pastor, who was trying to aid or stop me, gets hurt and points to the bookcase behind the former wall, allowing me to climb up.

What I find up there, my quest, was the sound system, which I play loudly, only finding music. It had fallen into disuse. This is apparently symbolic of free speech against a tyrannical pastor. Later, a parishioner who was a friend of mine, as taken a lecture into the aisles and now regularly interrogates senators and other people, to get to the truth in some kind of town meeting setting. I try telling him that it was a whim that got me to that point, but I keep getting interrupted.

Dream Log 06/13/2008

Okay, it begins with me in some town. I forget why, but I’m racing around, trying to save people. It’s like I’m part of some hero group and these are civilians I’m saving. It’s almost video game-like. I grab one girl then another. For some reason now they’re naked. (It turned into a bit of a naughty dream.) I carry both in my arms to the home base or something. All the while, I’m fondling the girls, who are sort of unconscious. When they awake, I continue apologizing, claiming what I’m doing is an accident when it’s on purpose. The girls (the top one is cuter than the second) either believe me or don’t care.

I drop them off at a room in the base. It’s actually just a large bedroom with several bunkbeds, arranged not bunker style but like it’s an actual house. They’re a lot of young women in there in various states of undress. I am impressed with my ability to carry two women and admire myself on the way to the bedroom.

I got to the headquarters bedroom of the base, where I discover that Voldemort has kicked out the rest of the team. I struggle with him for a while, but finally realize my omnipotence and just smack him.

I then realize it’s time for some minor voyeurism so I find the attic space door and crawl in. There’s no wood, just insulation, so I get a rug and some shoes. After a lot of trying to figure out how to pull this off, I do get in, a powerless Voldemort on the bed taunting me. I do get in and find the window area to the bedroom. By now, all the girls are dressed for bed. I peek in through a square cutout of the door. I’m being too noisy and the girls try to peek in but I hide. But since one door of the opening is completely open, I pop up to say hi.

After a little bit, there’s an argument on the floor. A boy (the room’s not exclusive anymore) is playing a coin game with this other girl. He says he has enough “diarrhea” meaning quarters, but Mom comes in to argue the rules of the game.

In the background, Scott is playing some kind of G/T initiation game. I realize since he’s a freshman in college, he hasn’t been in G/T for four years. (Longer in the real world.) It involves blindfolds and Santa Claus and other ridiculousness.

Dream Log 06/08/2008

(Visiting my parents’ lake house always gives me exciting dreams)

The first part I remember is that I’m with Ashley (for the first time, 100% platonic in a dream). We’re at college and there’s this building which has been damaged. There’s a lot of foreboding.

Other stuff happens. I can’t recall.

Then, a very scary scene where the building work site starts to fall.

It begins with an H-beam falling and crushing this guy who was sitting on another H-beam. Then the entire building starts collapsing. There’s a crane with several metal rods above us, so we flee. It’s a long scene, done well with lots of special effects.

I race around the campus. It doesn’t look anything like my real college campus.

All around campus, university employees are dealing with the accident.

In one room, they’re working on a press release. On TV, there’s the daily news, and it seems weird to me that the collapse isn’t on TV, even though it’s one of many stories. It just seems callous because I was there.

Then I got to a desk where Shosh is working. I want to borrow her phone, but she picks it up. Seeing me, she hangs up, but I let her call. She seems thankful, so it must have been important.

Then, I go see Ashley. She’s working in some kind of center.

It later transfers. It’s showing a video about this leprosy sanctuary where loved ones can house their family members in these coffin-like boxes cemented just below the ground. They’re nasty and on this island in the ocean where the waves wash over and clean off the dead skin or something. There’s a small hole for them to look out of and one hand sticks out outside the lid. When they finally pass, they can be thrown away. By the time they’re dead, they’re practically skeletal.

There’s this thing you can do to help. Somehow I’m there or something. When the waves crash in, you and a partner get a bucket of water. Everyone at Ashley work does this. And I do it with a male friend of my who works the same job as Ashley freelance. Also, Hillary Clinton and some fifty-something actress do it; Hillary’s doing it because the actress challenged her to and Hillary accepted. Apparently it’s a liberal thing to do because John McCain and the governor (a Republican) have teamed up and are trying to stop it. The governor (or the mayor) uses the key to the city to try to unlock the door.

Dream Log 05/21/2008

The Miniature Killer from CSI, who in my dream wasn’t the crazy girl but this 16-year-old boy. He’d led around by an 18-year-old. A classic dominant-submissive relationship. The older boy carries around various weapons (surgical scissors, a hacksaw).

Grissom and James Rhodes from the Iron Man movie are tracking him at this house, a stone mini-mansion. Rhodes’ two young sons are also there.

Inside this one room, after Rhodes goes to check on something, the older boy comes in and threatens Grissom. It’s classic one-up-menship, mind and might. On the floor, Rhodes’ sons and the Miniature Killer play this game. It’s an electronic board game, laid out in check, with numbers crisscrossed. The object seems to be touching them with your fingers in some kind of order. The miniature killer catches on quickly, though doesn’t succeed. Rhodes, familiar with the game, does.

Then Rhodes goes away and the older kid disables him and comes back for Grissom then there’s a struggle then I wake up.

Dream Log 05/20/2008

It may or may not have started in the juvenile prison yard episode of Standoff that I watched last night.

The first part I remember is being in a large, fancy hotel, wearing a wedding dress. In this dream, I may have been female, because this didn’t strike me as strange. My wedding is coming up in the next day or so. Probably it’s later. Anyway, I’m roaming around, looking at the band stand or something. Perhaps it’s for the reception.

I think this was a self-aware dream, because I knew I was out of place. I didn’t know why I was getting married, so I was trying to figure this out.

Anyway, I get into the elevator. I have no idea what floor I’m on, but I somehow deduce that it’s floor 76. It’s partially a guess, and sort of figured out the same way Internet history is figured out.

In the elevator, I look at myself in the mirror, and it begins to dawn on me something is wrong, because my (male) haircut doesn’t look good in the wedding dress.

I walk around floor 76. I find a room, called the “Enjoyment Room” or something. On side is a billiards table area and the other is a small theater. I then find the entrance to a restaurant, where I ask about my room. I’m looking for either “Christopher Verdery” or “Christopher Dunn.” Another realization of why would my last name change if I'm male?

At this point, I’m assuming it’s the Honeymoon Suite, so he directs me to Room 34. When I find it, there’s a big push-lever on the door. It says something weird, like “Emergency Exit,” which begins to spark the realization that this is a dream, and the dream is trying to fix that, but it can’t replace the memory. I begin to realize that I’m probably in the future.

So, I go in, and there are my parents and Marcus and Tara. They’re eating cake and I’m a little jealous. (Cake is a recurring theme lately.) So, I go to one of the rooms to change out of the wedding dress. Inside, I see a minister in the mirror. But he’s not really there. He’s actually a ghost or something. He doesn’t realize I can see him. I try to hit him, but to no avail. I then begin to suspect that he’s gay and that he’s been inhabiting me for a while, which is why I’m wearing a wedding dress.

I then walk in the room, about the break the news. Inside the dream, I’m imagining scenarios where the guy tries to kiss me and I block him. Or maybe Mr. Dunn is a hot chick parading around in a tuxedo and this is some game. Regardless, I go back to the bedroom and start to write about this dream. My laptop starts instantly so in the dream, I figure I left it on. But something doesn’t feel right, so I wake up for real.

Dream Log 3/27/2008

The first thing I remember is being at a meeting in an auditorium. It’s sort of like at a Boy Scout Meeting or a fraternity Chapter meeting.

It takes place partly in the Superman universe, probably Smallville, as Jimmy Olsen in there.

After a presentation (this is so far back I can’t remember the details), I (or Clark) figures out a mystery. Jimmy Olsen mentioned something about liking red earlier, so he’s the one responsible for a clone army wearing red. He gives his I had noble intentions speech about trying to help the world. Something about helping old grandmas or something.

I race to the home of some family friends. But they aren’t there, so I start running back, only to run into them in the driveway. I’m caught and they send me on my way.

I arrive back at the church and my parents and brother are there, waiting for me in our Tahoe.

Somewhere in the transition between two scenes, a man talks to a woman. It’s Jon Arbuckle from the Garfield comics, and he’s doing well until he mentions he came from a sand-sorting meeting. In the back ground, a room full of sand is still out of a hallway, hard as a brick, and arranged by grain size. Garfield laments Jon’s failure.

There’s a brief diversion into a Cars-like world. One car strolls through a neighborhood. At one point, it moves back to allow a futuristic car go by. It transforms into a sleeker structure, Transformer­-style. It finally runs into the Amy car.

The Cars idea is dropped as we move into a fortuitous coincidence world. There’s a hapless boy (a possible me) who’s in the car with Amy (the Amy car reverted to Amy’s car). I am a clueless individual who’s carrying around a book where I’ve written down my thoughts in a lyrical manner. (I’m clueless of the fact, but it’s in essence a book of poetry.) I ask if I can read it to her. (As the dreamer, I’m aware of the fact that there’s a situation where I’m trying to read her poetry).

Anyway, we’re driving down a road where I’m in the backseat. I mention the color scheme of the world: purples and hot pinks. Both the dreamer and the poet are aware of the girliness, and the poet cluelessly waxes poetical. He finally goes to sleep on a pom-pom.

We arrive at some kind of convention. There’s a gay bellboy who interacts with Amy. For some reason, it was humorous in the dream. The poet, who’s now Harry Potter, because of his wizardy roots offers his hand in a girly way, which causes the bellboy to think he’s a potential love interest. He says something about his wand. This somehow offers the set-up for the wand-and-balls joke. Then he ends up lying horizontal in the backseat. In this world, there are automatic gates between cars (like in parking decks), and since he’s so tall (more evidence it’s not me, since I’m not), he’s trapped because he’s like sticking out both sides of the car. The gates are called “London Bridge” and “Eiffel.” Even in the dream, I realize the silliness of the gate being called Eiffel since the Eiffel down doesn’t fall down but the London Bridge does (or because bridges can be rising or falling).

There’s talk of going home or staying and it’s about to lead to more jokes.

In the dream, the situations and wordplay were quite humorous, in ways I can’t capture because I’ve forgotten he details or more likely just don’t make sense outside this world.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dream Log 03/22/2008

The dream took place in some kind of musty room downstairs. My father was training me to be a figure skater, though at the time, it seemed more like he was training me to fence. My training involved cleaning up the room. For one, I had to assemble my old bed.

A friend of mine was also there, acting as an assistant. The room had a raised platform on one side, which is where the rink was.

The midpoint of the dream involved it being St. Patrick's Day (I recall it was March 17), which mean both I and my brother (who had since joined us) were "legal." My brother was 18 and I was 21. This math actually works out pretty well. In real life, both my brother's and my birthdays are in March, mine taking place on the 18th. We're also three years apart, so if this dream takes place in the year were turned 18 and 21, the logic works out.

St. Patrick's Day, in this world, apparently is a major holiday. My dad officiates it as if he were a minister, though more like a Mormon minister, where each adult male is considered a minister of the church. It seems to be a kind of reverse Lent, one day when you're allowed to visit old vices. We listened on the radio to the announce who commented about having cigarettes, which was the "typical" vice to indulge in on St. Paddy's. (In the real world, it ain't this, is it?) My father did this, smoking one cigarette and holding another, even though this would stink up the room. In real life, my dad did used to smoke.

My dad's idea for my brother and I was to loose our virginities. It would be our vice. Since the service, two girls have shown up. (The cast of my dreams are very fluid, you see.) One girl I think was Halley from my previous dream. I don't know who the other girl, but she was indelibly Scott's mate. My dad tells me this tavern saying (I've never heard this is the real world, so I dreamed it up): "Even if you close the bar, you should leave open the back room." In the dream, the meaning was much more obvious and clever. In the real world, I don't think even the concepts hold. When dad and my buddy say it, it's kind of naughty, a desire to have sex.

I'm letting Scott go first, so I carry my pillow into the next room, where the girls are sleeping. I carry it like I would a woman (I'm being ceremonial for some reason), as I'm about to do the same to Halley. I do carry away, telling her the tavern quote. When I say it to her, it seems romantic, as I'm letting Scott have his day.

We leave the room, which in retrospect is strange. For most of the dream, it was like we were in some kind of post-apocalyptic setting where the room was all we had. Now, the room is apparently just the old attic space in my parent's house. (I'm not very architecturally-minded, so all the locations in my dream world tend to structurally resembled places I know). Anyway, Dad is eating cereal. The bowl is the size of a large mixing bowl and the cereal is apparently in water, because I can see it. He serves me some and I choke it down, because it's some kind of high-fiber cereal. He laughs as I try it. I reach for some more. However, instead of grabbing the spoon, I just dip it out of the bowl. My dad falls to his knees as if I'd infected his breakfast. I try to explain that since I'm in college now, I forget what it's like to share food.

In real life, I don't fish out cereal from a bowl, though I do let my table manners slide when I'm alone. I have perfectly respectably manners in public.

Anyway, it's at this point I realize that I'm dreaming, because I can feel myself waking up. Even before I'm in the world of the waking, I'm cursing the sun for waking me up before I get to lose my virginity.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Dream Log 03/17/2008

Dream Log 3/17/2008

It starts with two people trying to find each other via a contest. It’s really ingenious way of getting two people paired up but alas I don’t remember the details, which is sad because I want to say they might have made sense in the real world.

It finally ends with the couple (originally the girl was supposed to be a porn star, but it ends with the couple being Kyle Trager and Amanda Bloom from the ABC Family show Kyle XY) meeting at an old Volkswagen van with a boat hitched to it. Inside the van, they get their portrait made by the winning artists (it was a part of the contest I don’t remember). Within the diagesis of the dream, the artist is a known character who works with yarn. In the end, his portrait is the punchline to the joke of the dream. Because he works with yarn the portraits are stick figures. The woman on a horse with flaming wings with the man doing something (I don’t remember). It’s all very funny for those of us expecting a photorealistic portrait. You had to be there. Inside my head.

In the end, with family and friends gathered outside the van. They were waiting; it makes me think the end result was a wedding. The long boat has been converted to a buffet.

My dad is talking to me about how if cakes were used for the contest, if we didn’t stay straight the chocolate and vanilla halves of the cake would eventually ruin the contest, because the split of the cake would eventually be all chocolate or all vanilla, and we need one of each for the bride and for the groom. Trust me, it doesn't make a lot of sense in the left brain.

Dream Log 03/16/2008

It’s actually still the middle of the night. I woke up because of this dream.

I’m working in some kind of grocery store or food plant or something. Desk job, though. Cliff works there, too. (Cliff is a friend of mine from college.)

These seems tied to a previous dream so it may be a nightly recurring dream.

One day, Halley (a friend of mine from high school who I had a crush on) is locked in a box; sort of like a big plastic Rubber-Maid box. It’s shown to us by management. Lord knows why, which is why it's so freaky. In the real world, the visual size of the box is much too small for Halley to fit. There was a clear plastic window in the box where I could see Halley; she barely had enough room to sit. Anyway, my #&@%ing idiot self didn’t do anything at first because no one else seemed to realize this was horrible. I think the first time I did try to do something, but I never got into that panic mode where you do whatever you can, like in Saw.

Anyway, it was on Day 4 that I finally did something. I had bought a knife, so I left my place all self-righteously. This was after tapping the clear glass and having Halley clearly fearing for her life. I had to walk a long way to get to my desk (in a line), through rooms with conveyor belts and a lot of foodstuff (which is the only reason I knew it was a grocery store or whatever). I pass Cliff on the way back, as he ducks into some employee-only area. I come back with a knife, hoping to find someone to saw my way out. Anyway, I arrive and Halley’s already been released by Logan (a girl I knew in high school, though not that well), Jeff (a guy I knew from high school, better than Logan, but not really that well either), and one other person (I’m assuming another person from high school). They used a knife to unscrew the screw in the box. I feel helpless, like a #&@%ing idiot because I didn’t do anything sooner, and sort of sad that I didn’t play hero earlier. Anyway, the only thought that I had on the way was that she would have had to wet and soil herself these past few days.

She seems rather not shaken, though relieved to get out. She’s chatting easily. Jeff makes fun of how she’s wet and soiled herself, though her clothes seem clean, including her jeans. There’s some mess in the bottom, but not a lot. She comments, “That’s the first time I couldn’t breathe.”

Kind of freaky. Really freaky.

Dream Log 03/01/2008

The dream took place in this school for boys. I want to say I've dreamed about this school before. The cafeteria has been converted into a diner for Parents' Weekend or something. You can tell because tables have been moved so that they're up against dorm room doors, which have the boys' names on them.

The main plot involved me at a university (probably same school for boys) gym whose brick arches begin to collapse. A crane outside alerts us to the fact that this building is going to fall down. There’s a lot of time spent assessing the situation, whether we’re going to collapse downward or sideways. We eventually fall sideways so slowly we’re able to just run out the roof one the building falls down. At one point I think I’ve lost my cell phone, but I find it in the back of my shirt along with some plastic straws, I think. Mom is very glad that I found it, and didn’t have to go searching through the rubble. Which is odd because the reason I was looking for it was that I was trying to call her.

Later on, I’m in my dorm room, which actually resembles my mom's sewing room. I forget what happens there, but eventually we’re leaving and some man is trying to get a homeless drunk to take his place in the room, as a decoy, I suppose. Anyway, my roommate and I also are fleeing. We’ve done a lot of packing, and there’s dozens of bags for us to take, including several gift bags, two of which include holiday decorations, which we’ll need since we’ll be gone so long. They are Fourth of July and Christmas, so apparently it’s at least six months, though in the dream, it didn’t seem so long, like they were adjacent holidays.

Dream Log 02/29/2008

The dream takes place in The Dark Knight movie. No, it has not come out in the real world yet. I don’t remember most of it, but part of the movie takes place in a mental hospital, Arkham Asylum most likely, where the Joker is being treated. It’s announced on the news that the Joker will be revealed. There’s some commentary that sounds ambiguous. It’s revealed that the Joker is actually an ice cream flavor, or rather a frozen fruit bar (they were really popular in the real world or in this dream world). There was a television news crew and everything. I (I don’t know what character I’m supposed to be) doesn’t believe this. Anyway, I’m sitting in a room with the Joker (played by Johnny Depp, though meta-intuition is trying to figure out who he really is because the late Heath Ledger is the Joker) with Helena Bonham Carter playing Harley Quinn or whoever the Harley Quinn to Johnny Depp’s character is. Several non-disguised heroes are there. Bruce Wayne (presumably played by Christian Bale, though it wasn’t explicit), as well as Black Canary (played by Alaina Kalanj, who’s makeup from Smallville has stained her face), though I think she was a mental patient (playing I don’t know who) but her face was caked in dirt. At some point, it’s asked that some of the heroes dance with Harley, to show she’s not dangerous or something (it doesn’t make sense in the real world). Later, after the Joker presumably revealed himself to be crazy, the three that danced with Harley are being carried on stretchers and others are running and it’s all just silliness. It kind of has a war feel to it at this point.

Anyway, that's all I remember.